Introduction of distance learning for winter term 20/21

August 19th, 2021 | AIT is expanding its range of courses for the winter term 20/21


As previously announced, due to frequent requests in recent weeks, the introduction of distance learning at AIT has been considered.

After careful consideration of the advantages and disadvantages, we hereby announce that students can complete the short course for the first time in the winter semester 20/21 as part of a distance learning course.

However, it should be noted that for some dates and events at AIT, attendance for distance learning students is also compulsory. More information will be published shortly.


Note: The Bachelor and Master courses are still exempt from this decision and can only be completed as part of a face-to-face course.


Students who apply for distance learning are asked to justify their decision for distance learning and against attendance study in the application form.


The Office of Student Affairs will be happy to help you with any further questions.



Akademie für Islamische Theologie e. V.

Wendenstraße 309 | 20537 Hamburg


Tel.: 040 - 468 610 72

WhatsApp: +49 17640424911


GLS Bank

Akademie für Islamische Theologie e.V.

IBAN: DE67 4306 0967 1057 6880 00


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